Training Tips

Are Leg Curls Good For Cyclists


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As avid cyclists, we understand the importance of strong legs and endurance. However, it’s easy to overlook the significance of a strong hamstring in our training routine.

A strong hamstring not only improves our overall cycling performance, but it also helps prevent injuries.

One exercise that often comes to mind when we think about hamstring strength is the leg curl. But, are leg curls good for cyclists?

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating leg curls into our training routine, as well as alternative exercises to strengthen our hamstrings.

So, let’s dive in and find out if leg curls are worth adding to our workout regimen!

The Importance of Strong Hamstrings for Cyclists

As a cyclist, you know the importance of having strong muscles in order to power through those grueling climbs and push yourself to new limits, and your hamstrings are no exception.

Strong hamstrings play a critical role in the pedaling motion, particularly during the upward phase. They help to pull the pedal up, which allows for a smoother and more efficient pedal stroke.

This means that if your hamstrings are weak, not only will you be more prone to injury, but you will also be limiting your potential as a cyclist.

In addition to their role in the pedaling motion, strong hamstrings can also help to improve your overall performance on the bike

. With stronger hamstrings, you will be better able to maintain your speed and power on climbs, and you will be less likely to fatigue as quickly.

This means that you will be able to ride for longer distances and at higher intensities, which can help you to achieve your cycling goals and push yourself to new heights.

So, if you want to become a stronger, faster, and more efficient cyclist, it’s essential to prioritize the development of your hamstrings through exercises such as leg curls.

How Leg Curls Work and What Muscles They Target

You’ll learn which muscles are specifically targeted by this exercise and how they are worked. Leg curls are a great exercise for strengthening the hamstrings, which are crucial for cycling.

Specifically, leg curls target the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris muscles in the back of the thigh. These muscles work together to flex the knee and extend the hip, which are both important movements for cycling.

During leg curls, the hamstrings are worked by lifting the weight with the ankle while the knee is bent, which contracts the muscle and strengthens it. The exercise also engages the glutes, which help to stabilize the hip and pelvis during the movement.

Overall, leg curls are a great way to target and strengthen the hamstrings, which can improve cycling performance and help prevent injuries.

The Pros of Incorporating Leg Curls into Your Training Routine

Incorporating leg curls into your training routine can enhance your cycling performance and reduce the risk of injury. This exercise targets your hamstrings, which are responsible for knee flexion and hip extension. As a cyclist, you rely heavily on your hamstrings to power through each pedal stroke, so strengthening them is crucial for improved performance.

In addition to targeting your hamstrings, leg curls also activate your glutes and lower back muscles. Strong glutes are important for maintaining proper posture and generating power on the bike, while a strong lower back helps stabilize your pelvis and prevent lower back pain.

By incorporating leg curls into your training routine, you can address muscle imbalances, improve your pedal stroke efficiency, and reduce the risk of injury.

The Cons of Leg Curls for Cyclists

If you’re a cyclist, it’s important to know that leg curls aren’t always the best option for you. While this exercise is great for targeting the hamstrings, it can also put a lot of strain on the knees.

As cyclists, our knees are already under a lot of stress from the repetitive motion of pedaling. Adding an exercise like leg curls can exacerbate this problem and lead to knee pain or even injury.

Additionally, leg curls don’t mimic the movement patterns of cycling very well. Cycling requires a lot of engagement from the glutes and quadriceps, and these muscles aren’t targeted as heavily with leg curls.

So while this exercise may help to strengthen your hamstrings, it may not translate well to improved performance on the bike. As a cyclist, it’s always important to choose exercises that will directly benefit your riding and avoid those that may do more harm than good.

Alternative Exercises for Building Strong Hamstrings

Looking for effective ways to strengthen your hamstrings without putting stress on your knees or neglecting other key cycling muscles? Check out these alternative exercises!

  • Deadlifts: This exercise is great for building strength in your hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and core. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on the ground in front of you. Bend your knees and grab the bar with an overhand grip. Keeping your back straight and core engaged, lift the bar by extending your hips and knees. Lower the bar back down to the ground and repeat for several reps.
  • Glute Bridges: This exercise targets your glutes and hamstrings, while also engaging your core and lower back. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling while squeezing your glutes and hamstrings. Lower your hips back down to the ground and repeat for several reps.
  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts: This exercise is great for improving balance and stability, while also building strength in your hamstrings and glutes. Stand on one leg with a dumbbell in your opposite hand. Keeping your back straight, hinge forward at your hips while lifting your opposite leg behind you. Lower the dumbbell towards the ground and then return to standing. Repeat for several reps before switching sides.

By incorporating these alternative exercises into your workout routine, you can build strong, resilient hamstrings without relying solely on leg curls. Not only will this help you improve your cycling performance, but it can also reduce your risk of injury and imbalances.


Overall, incorporating leg curls into your training routine can be beneficial for building strong hamstrings as a cyclist. As we’ve learned, the hamstrings play a crucial role in cycling performance and injury prevention.

Leg curls effectively target the muscles of the hamstrings and can help to improve strength and power output on the bike.

However, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of leg curls as well. They can be hard on the knees and may not be the most functional exercise for cycling-specific movements.

As an experienced cyclist, I recommend incorporating a variety of exercises into your training routine to target the hamstrings from different angles and movements.

Some alternative exercises to consider include deadlifts, lunges, and single-leg exercises like the single-leg deadlift or Bulgarian split squat.

By incorporating a variety of exercises and listening to your body, you can build strong, resilient hamstrings to support your cycling goals.